Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Final Reflection on wronfully accused prisoners

In retrospect to my essential question, what can be done about prisoners who are wrongfully accused?, I have learned a lot of different things in the world of the law and how it works. I also feel that I am confident to answer my essential question with no problems because throughout my research I felt that I've found out everything I needed to know. I've learned how the system doesn't control the police, the police controls the system and that is just not right. But there is one thing that I did not learn yet and that would be why does the system work the way it does. I've had many successes and many failures in the journey of my research. The successes in my research was finding the things that may have tend to answer my essential question. My failures were trying to find a specific way to answer my essential question and how hard it was to find things for my topic.

The things that I might do with this new found information about Wrongfully Accused Prisoners is probably tell a lot more people what is really going on and what people are doing about this and how people feel about nobody doing anything about this. I also might want to write articles about this topic because there are a lot of statements to be shared to the world and they need to know how it is possible for them to fix this problem. So in retrospect to what can be done about prisoners who are wrongfully accused? is that people need to think about this and see if they can help out, because your opinion can make a very very very big difference to this problem.

My Reflection on Schizophrenia

Finding the answer to my question was a bit difficult.How to help people cope with Schizophrenia?I searched the web day by day for answers. I never knew the internet had so much good info. about everything in the world.I went to a lot of different websites to find my answer but I finally found it at Schizophrenia/blogs.com.I read some of the comments that was posted on The Wife of a Schizophrenic.The wife's husband killed some one and they are trying to make a sentence for him.Some people think that a disorder is not a reason to kill or comment a crime.Others think he shouldn't get any time but most of them think he should.I think he should get time but not in a jail.He should be in a psychiatric home and try to get help.
I learned that Schizophrenia is not a disease it is a disorder.Schizophrenia and other serious brain disorders are an extreme challenge not onlyfor the person afficted,but for the entire family.Schizophrenics should go to support groups to cope with there disorder.There families should help more and do more for them.Help schizophrenics make a blog on the internet about there disorder it may help them deal with the disorder.Significant research has shown that there are psychological and social factors that are strongly linked to increased risk of schizophrenia. A study completed last summer looked at the incidence of schizophrenia in the pacific islands of Micronesia and found significant variation in the rates of schizophrenia.The main difference between a man’s brain and a woman's brain has to do with how certain structures and circuits treat emotion. These structures and circuits are usually more elaborate in a woman’s brain. Mendrek wanted to know how a schizophrenic’s brain would react to certain emotional stimuli.
This is what I learned on my search how to help others cope was the disorder Schizophrenia.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Not all people are innocent but get away

Not all people are innocent but get away with their crime. This is the major problem that the law has to fix. What I mean about how guilty people get away with something is that as soon as they get in front of the police they tend to change their attitude, and also their looks on their faces. It seems to me that that is a clue that the person is putting on a front and faking their innocence. Their is no way I am going to be able to fall for that. The law system in society is not the only way of finding guilty and innocent people, there is also the law system inside of school and inside of home. There are a lot of students in school that create lots and lots of trouble and other students get blamed for it. They either get yelled at, get suspended, or even get detention. I've been a suspect in school of being wrongfully accused of something that my own friend did and I was the one to get suspended over some nonsense. I feel that if you don't know anything about what happened don't blame it on a person that you feel created the problem, ask people who were around that seen something. According to parents, it's either go by their law or just get in trouble. I believe that every kid and teen can relate to this. So related to all of these examples, there is somewhere in Cuba called Guantanamo Bay the officers inside of the jail tend to torture the inmates by doing a lot of different things to them from not participating in the doing of drugs to getting sexually abused. Through all of this the officers tend to get away and not get caught in these wrong doings.

Lithwick. Dahlia. "Getting Away With Torture," Newsweek 05 May 2008. 20 May 2008


Reflection On Abuse

So I'm coming to the end of my research on abuse and I have learned so much about the topic. So while researching I found the answer to my essential question why don't women who are being abused just leave? I had found out as I stated in an earlier post there are many reason why abused women wont leave the relationship. The person maybe afraid to leave because the abuser may have threaten to harm them, there families and property. The major thing that I learned while researching abuse was that there is more then just one type of abuse. People can be abused in many different ways besides physical. This really surprised me that there are many different types of abuse like verbal, emotional,physical or sexual abuse, financial, elderly child , substance, and Internet abuse. During my research I found that abuse also has many different definitions. Abuse can be defined as improper or excessive use of treatment, physical maltreatment.(Types Of Abuse Hidden Hurts). I am not surprised that a person who is being abused may take a bad path in life like taking drugs, drinking alcohol, also it can cause mental health, depression, and anxiety. They do these things to help them escape from the pain at times not realizing that this is not helping there problems and that it may make things worse. I also found that there are many places willing to help a person who is being abused the person just has to be willing to take the help. I have came to the conclusion that a person being abused also wont leave because once the abuser has gone in there calm phase they feel sorry for what they have done and buy gifts or do something special to try and make for what they have done. There is a cycle in an abuse relationship tension building, explosion phase, then the calm stage.(Eilliot.P)

No one deserves to be abused. I learned that sometimes men abuse women due to simple matters like dinner wasn't ready(Witter, Jim). This is no reason for a person to strike another person.Elliot, P. (1996). Shattering Illusions: Same Sex Domestic Violence in Rezette and Miley (eds.). Violence in Gay and Lesbian Domestic Partnerships. New York: Haworth Press.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

My Final Reflection On Private Practice.

There are many answers to my essential question, going to college would be the very first task I would have to complete. For at least three years I would have to work under a certified therapist. After, I do that I can become an licensed social worker. During this project I've learned many things, like how much knowledge I have to know in order to start one, the advantages and disadvantages, and the various steps I would have to take. Through the duration of this search there have been some surprises, for instance how much money I can seek from various companies and the government to help me with my practice. I also was surprised to find out about all the documents I need to have and my annual income depending on how much I charge per session and my other expenses.

My search have been successful, because it answered all of the questions I've had about the procedures and what I need and what I need to know for a private practice. With this information I can let my classmates know when I do my presentation and also whoever curious about this topic. When I get ready to open up my own private practice this information will also be helpful to me.

Ending my search of Schizophrenia

How can I help people cope with Schizophrenia?You have to treat them the way you want to be treated.Schizophrenic need there space.But try to help them out when ever you can.Make sure if you live with one make sure they take there meds.I talked to my stepfather's dad which was diagosed with schizophrenia when he was in his mid 20s.I gave him a little personal interview.I asked him how do he want to be treated.He told me that he hate people that act like he cant do for hiself like his daughter.He just wish he could be like everyone else.He cant get a job or anything.I feel that people with the disease should be able to work because thats only making the person with the disease feel worthless.
As I was searching the web for how to help others cope with schizphrenia, I came across a website called Schizophreics.healthdiaries.com. They had blogs from peoples families members that have to deal with the health problems of there families.A man named Charles whoes son has paranoid schizophrenia.he tryed to kill his family and the social service people.He in rehab right now but he still is a threat to himself and others.Charles says he is trying his best to cope and love is son to the best ability but times get real hard for him.

Charles. "The Schizophrenia Blog." 24022008 1. 16052008

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Concluding......The Wonderful World of Technology

Overall, There are many ways to communicate over the computer. You have to ask yourself in what ways do you communicate over the computer now, do the research just as I did, and see which one you enjoy doing the most (the one you'll pick over all the other ways). To me instant messaging would have been the best way to communicate with someone when your far away from them. I have learned alot doing this research and have also begin to use more ways to communicate with others. Some people may like more than one way to communicate. Like I like yahoo for instant messaging and emailing, but when it comes to chating with friends and just looking at peoples pictures and reading their thoughts I would like myspace over all other ways to use the computer. Depending on your usage of the computer would depend on the chating site or search engine you would like better for a certain task. After being introduce to this fantastic chating program, (instant messaging), I now know what to use when I go off to college in a different city. Its not so much far away like japan but its a start to a whole new chating world away from family and friends. I dont know much about it just yet cause im a beginner, but for the next couple of months I would be loaded with knowledge about instant messaging!
"Can't Wait".

The Wonderful World or Technology

After being introduced to some of the few ways to communicate over the computer, i've completed my search for the answer to what would have been the best way to communicate with friends and family over the computer completely far away. I came up with the answer that instant messaging would be the best way, because it is a quick way to message someone and get a message back instantly hey its "instant messaging". Now i've never instant messaged until recently and I enjoy doing it, but it's a fact that this instant messaging thing got alot of people hooked. But after taking tallies i've discovered that all people just aren't always into the same things. The few ways iv'e thought of are all used in different ways for different things, which i think is a good thing for this world today.

I did my own research and i feel that myspace would not be the best way to communicate with people when you are far away. Myspace is for setting up your own page for the public to view. You can communicate with people on this site, but you have to already have their email address or you'll just have to hope they have a myspace and find them on somebody else friend list ("Myspace Homepage").

Yahoo is good for finding out information on the past, and the present. It's a very good site for finding research on people, places, and things. On Yahoo there is also a good way for messaging people through email. To me yahoo emailing is for bussiness and information. You may give your yahoo email address to a company or college, request for information, and be able to message that company or college back for more information. Last but not least, goggle is another way i thought of for communicating. I have never used goggle before for communicating, but it was something i thought of to look into. Goggle is for creating your own web address for gmail, not for so much of communicating. ("Yahoo Homepage").

These website are all important to people in their "computer life"

"MySpace Home Page." MySpace. Myspace.com. 16 May 2008 .

"yahoo." yahoo home page . 05 16 2008 . yahoo.com. 16 May 2008 .

Monday, May 12, 2008

Another way of finding evidence

So far it just seems like my research is just getting harder and harder every time I begin to start searching. It's beginning to feel like I'm not making any progress looking through Google, Yahoo, and Wikipedia. Until I found a story that explains how a Legislature is trying to create a new bill in Utah to prove that there is other evidence to prove that someone is innocent before they have to spend years in jail because of a false accusation. Usually to find out if a person is innocent they have to run DNA tests to see if that particular person was falsely accussed and proven innocent and this takes a long time so the innocent person will be in prison or jail for a while. This relates to the Anthony Capozzi and Altemio Sanchez story of being the bike path rapist. With this new bill it doesn't have to only be DNA tests to find evidence, it can just be a simple statement or statements that a witness can say to prove that someone can be innocent. But what I am saying about this is, how come no one thought about this earlier? I don't know but it's a good thing that someone thought about it now before it was to late (yeah right).

papanikolas, tonya. "Wrongfully Accused? Legislature Working on New Bill That May Help." [Weblog indigent defence] 27 february 2007. 12 May 2008 .

(papanikolas )

Different Types Of Abuse

The more that I research the more info I find that is very interesting. I found that there is more than one type of abuse. Physical abuse which is any act of violence on the victim and can include slapping, kicking, shoving, choking, pinching, forced feeding, pulling hair, punching, throwing thing, burning, beating, use of weapons, physical restraint, and reckless driving. Another form of abuse would be sexual abuse which involves excessive jealuosy, calling you sexual derogatory names, forcing unwanted sex acts, forcing you in to prostitution. One kind of abuse that goes unseen is emotional abuse. Even the victim does not recognize that she is being abused. Emotional abuse damages your self-esteem.It is cruel and damages your soul.Physical or sexual abuse is accompanied and also follows emotional abuse. Another abuse wuld be verbal abuse which includes yelling or shouting, making threats, insulting you or our family, being sarcastic or mocking about or criticising your intrest, opinions, or beliefs, humiliating you in private or around company. The final type of abuse is financial abuse . Financial abse can take many forms, from denying you all access to funds, to make you soely responsible for all finances while handling money irresponsibly himself. Money bcomes a tool by which the abuser can furthe control he victim, ensuring either her financial dependence on him, or shifting responsibility of keeping a roof over the families head onto victim while simultaneouslydenying your ability to do or obstructing you. Finacial abuse can also prevent you from getting a job, denying you sufficient housekeeping, having to accout for every penny spent, putting bills in your name.(Types Of Abuse Hidden Hurts)

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Steps For Getting Clients For A Private Practice

Well once again I've been looking for research on this project, but unfortunately I haven't had as much success on the topic I'm covering today. In this blog I'm writing about the steps I would have to take inorder to get clients for my private practice. My source for this topic was my aunt, an Social Worker working for the East Ferry Dentention Center. Just the other day I decided to call her and ask her somethings about what steps I can take in order to get my own clients.

The first step of getting clients is networking, which means doing advertisment, I can also start by handing out business cards.But before I do that I would have to do an internship and work under an certified therapist for at least three years. Working for this therapist I would gain more knowledge and become known in the social work area. The therapist can recommend people to my business, and also I can introduce myself to big businesses letting them know my experience and they can also send me clients and refer people to me.

Recommendations from other clinicans are very important and it says a lot. Their letting people know about my judgement, and character, the recommendations also says how much of an hard worker I am.

Fryer, Denise "Telephone Interview" 09 MAY 2008

Friday, May 9, 2008

"global warming." From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 17 04 2008 <17>.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Wondreful World of Technology

After expriencing the yahoo chating, I went along and took a different approach. I went back to yahoo and myspace, and ask people around my age what ways do they use to communicate over the computer. The most response i got back of course was myspace, and I had a feeling it was going to happen. I then knew what time it was, it was time to go to an older group of people. Alot told me myspace but I also got different responses as will. Some of the answers was goggle, some were yahoo also, but out of the three instant messaging was the best for communicating. Now that I have an instant messenger I love it because its fun to message somebody and receive a message back really quick.

Goggle is another way of communicating but in a very different way. I never used goggle for anything other than a search engine, until I got a goggle account for a school project. Google isn't a site for communicating with just friends, but to the public. I have a goggle account to post blogs on a website that me and a few of my classmates created. I wasn't really into the whole blogging thingy, but i've kinda got onto it the more i do it. Some of my classmates have enjoyed blogging more than others, but its something to learn and get into. Even though it's not a way to keep in touch with a person, it is a great way to get you into expressing how you feel. It can kinda be a public journal, depending on how you use it ("Blogger Homepage").

So different people uses different ways of communicating through advanced technology.

How do you use the computer to communicate interview. 04 26 2008 .

What people think about wrongfully accused inmates

In continuing my research I've found out that I am not the only person who needs to know why there are people in prison that do not need to be there. In other words wrongfully accused prisoners. There was an incident in the state of Illinois where there were over 100 people throwing a rally to release any prisoner who was accused by police because in their minds they believe that they committed the crimes that they were not even part of. One of the people who were in the rally was a women by the name of Virginia Clements, a mother whose son was arrested for something he did not do. He was incarcerated ever since his 27 year old daughter was born. Now I feel that there is someone who needs to do something about that and it is wrong for a man to never had seen his daughter be born into the world.

The people who were rallying where also there to stop the death penalty, especially for the wrongfully accused inmates. In this story of the rally there are other different stories of prisoners who are in prison for no reason because police are in such of a hurry just to arrest someone just to get a raise in there salary. That doesn't mean just pick someone of the streets that looks like they can cause trouble, just do what a police officer should do and protect and serve. This is another way that you can be wrongfully accused and it's just not right. Something needs to be done and I want to be one of those people to do something about it too.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The Road Abuse May Take You Down.

The more I research about abuse the more the topic saddens me. I feel like I can feel my abused friend pain. The pain that her father is given her is causing her to do bad things such as cut her self , drink and smoke constantly. The unhappy home is driving her down a bad paths.I am afraid that if she does not escape she will either be hurt very badly were she would be hospitalized or even beaten to death. If her stepdad cannot controll his anger he should not be in the house hold. I found out that abusers are very needed and controlling.

There are steps that abusers can take that can change there pattern. When you start feelimg angry take deep breaths, focus on your body and walk away. Return once you have cooled down. Start keeping journals when you become angry sit down and writ down your thoughts and feelings. Join an anger management group. Deny that a problem exist. (Mark Evans)

Even though there are many steps that can be taken to stop abusing how do you get the person to follow these steps when they don't realize what they are doing.
Evans, Mark. "Abusive Relationships." Steps For Abusers .

The Wondreful World of Technology

I only know the basic part of yahoo, the finding of information. But I have never messaged anyone on yahoo messaging. I have a yahoo account, but I only use it get all information sent to my email address. I think by doing this reseaching project, the best way to communicate with others on chat sites, would also help me learn how to chat with others in different ways other then on myspace. I started my search by seeing which way could I possibly chat with someone on yahoo. I would get my friends email address and send them a message. But this would be my first time doing that because i have never did this before ("Yahoo Homepage")

I also learned that yahoo has a chating system called instant messaging. To me instant messaging is a chating system that allows people to message each other and receive the message back and forth instantly within a second the message is sent. I downloaded the instant messagener by logging into my yahoo account, clicking on the instant message icon, and the downloading began. By downloading the instant messager I would be able to add friends to my buddy list and send them an instant message. I have now learned the another way to chat on yahoo other than just emailing someone, and i think is really cool ("Yahoo Instant Messager")

. Yahoo messaging . 21 May 2008 .

instant messaging." Yahoo.com. yahoo messaging . 21 May 2008 .

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Looking At Schizphrenics in a Different View

While sitting in English class on the computer patiently waiting for the bell to ring,I'm searching the web for info about Schizophrenics and they way they live there lives in a normal day.I come across a website called Schizophrenic.com. It has blogs from real schizophrenics and they tell how there lives are in the year 2008.They tell how hard it is to live with the disease.It has a lot of great stories, that expand my knowledge about schizophrenia.
What happens to to people who have schizophrenia? The course of schizophrenia varies from person to person ,although it is usually a long illness,one out of four people are diagnosed with schizophrenia eventually have a full recovery.Half recover at least partly, and one out of four requires long terms care.During stressful times of life,symptoms may become more of a problem.These periods of increase symptoms,called relapses,may been enough to hospitalized if necessary.

"Personal Blogs on Coping With Schizophrenia." Schizophrenia.com 13 12 2008 14 05 2008 http://www.schizophrenia.com/sznews/archives/005852.html.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Is Partnership The Key?

For the past two years I've noticed many people go into business with a partner, some with family members, long time friends, and short time friends. By me wanting to start my own private practice I've been thinking if I should go into business by myself or with a family member or friend that share the same qualities and interest as me. Some people recommend a partnership and some don't recommend a partnership, and hearing this make me want to know answers why people feel that way. For the past hour I have been searching for answers on the internet.

There are both advantages and disadvantages in starting a business with a partner. For those who may not be aware of what a partnership is it is when two or more people are responsible for a business. In a partnership you are taxed the same which means you have to claim business on your tax return. However many problems can come up as well. Sometimes your partner may have different goals for the business then you, they might also have unequal commitment as far as finances. In other wards they might want to spend the money in an different or inappropriate manner than you.

Besides the problems in a partnership there are also some good out of it. I've learned partnerships can be less paperwork and less expensive, each partner can take on a role in the business it make the work a little bit easier. For example, one can handle the finances and other can handle the management and vise versa. Who ever feels or knows their good at one or two task can take that role, partners can also learn from one another's strengths and weaknesses and can go from there. Once you developed the knowledge of one another's strengths and weaknesses both work and business can be taken care of much more quicker.

Harroch, Richard. "Advantages and Disadvantages of General Partnerships." Buyer's Guides 16 11 2006 30 04 2008 .

"Partnership: Advantages and Disadvantages." Wednesday, April 30, 2008 30 04 2008 .

Why Men Abuse Women

As I do more research I began to wonder why men beat women. I found that sometimes it could be a simple matter. Perhaps she failed to empty the lint from the filter in the clothes dryer or maybe dinner wasn't just right or may she decided to go shopping with her friends without telling her spouse beforehand. Maybe nothing happened at all. He just beat her. (Witter, Jim)

Sadly 1 in 11 high school students report being physically hurt by a date. Abuse can sometimes be mistaken for intense feelings or caring or concern. Signs that friends are being abused are unexplained bruises broken bones sprains or marks. Excessive guilt or shame for no apparent reason. Secrecy or withdrawel from friends and family. Avoidance of school or social events with excuses that seem to make no sense (Michelle New, PhD)

new, michelle. "abusive relationships." 00 11 2007 30 04 2008 .

witter, .Jim. "men who beat women believe they are justified."

Sunday, April 27, 2008

While on my Search...for Schizophrenia

While sitting at my computer I'm thinking about the disease Schizophrenia, how I fill about it.Poor medication is among the leading causes for a relapse and re hospitalize for people with schizophrenia.
*80% of patience relapse in 1 year off medication,90% in 2years.
*20% relapse if they stay on medications
Schizophrenics have to take vitamins.While searching the web I found a website called schizophrenia.com. Researchers have found a positive correlations between super oxide generation and the negative symptom of schizophrenia.
There are many different potential outcomes of schizophrenia.Most people with Schizophrenia find that their symptoms overtime.However,other experience functional disability and are at risk for repeated acute episodes particularly during the early stages of the illness.
Schizophrenia symptoms, hearing voices, believing someone or something is controlling your thoughts.I learned earlier at the beginning of my search that approximately 1% of the population worldwide.Schizophrenia typically is in the 20s or early 30s.There is no cure for Schizophrenia yet!!

"revolutionhealth." 07092008 2. 27042008 http://www.revolutionhealth.com/conditions/mental-behavioral-health/schizophrenia/schizophrenia?section=section_05.
"schizophrenia." schizophrenia 11042005 1,2,3. 27042008 .

Friday, April 25, 2008

Wondering How Can I Hire Employees..

Just the other week I was sitting down and I started to think about when I open up my practice in social work what should I do about hiring employees. What exactly would be my first step, so I decided to get back on the internet and started searching. First went to answers.com and unfortunately I had no luck, then I thought to myself that I should go to Google and type in "my first step in hiring employees for my private practice. With Google I had a great deal of luck!

Searching for my answer I found quite a bit of internet sources such as money.com,and federalgovernmentjobs.htm. I've learned I can put up jobs openings on the internet, in the newspapers and signs such as Billboards. Unfortunately it's not as easy as it sound. First I would have to gain knowledge about the law as far as consulting with a lawyer to let me know what I can do legally and what I can't do legally. I would always have to write about how much they make an hour and what their annual salary should be, but before hiring any employees I would have to get an Employment Idenification Number EIN, this will be used to report taxes and important documents to the IRS. There are many forms that I have to get inorder to hire anybody for example, an form called the I-9 will will let me know that candidate can work in the United States legally.

Also go to my states Reporting Program within 20days to inform them that I have hired someone new. All employees are intitled to have compensation which is if you where to get hurt and had to take time off of work to recover they will still get paid even though they haven't been working. I've realized there are many to steps to start your own business and hiring employees. Different states have different rules and regulations for both big and small businesses

"Ten Steps to Hiring Your First Employee." A Guide for New Employers 04/15/2008 26 04 2008 http://www.business.gov/guides/employment/managing/first_employee.html.

Field, Ann. "5 steps to hiring right." The Ultimate Small-Business Resource Guide June 1 2007: 6:09 AM EDT 26 04 2008 .

Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Wonderful World of Technology

While doing the research for this project I first started by going to goggle.com and typing the word communication into the find box in the middle of the page, nothing happen and i was ecstatic. I then relized that the word communiation wasn't enough information for even a computer to find the answer for. ("Goggle Homepage")

I took a different approach, since myspace is my favorite way to communicate with my friends on the computer, by logging on to my myspace account and start to find out my friends, friends and familys locations, other then western new york or maybe even another side of the world. I found many people through out the United States but never found anybody out side of the US. I finshed my research by going to the creater if myspace, myspace, a guy name Tom and wrote him a message. I ask him "By any chance do myspace website reach outside of the United States." Im currently waiting on a answer.A day later i logged into myspace again and checked my messages. I got a message from Tom saying that myspace is a chating site that only goes to any country anywhere that has access to a computer ("Myspace Hompage")

After researching the myspace way of communication. I had a few other chating websites to research. I started a new journey on to the yahoo way to communicate ("Yahoo Hompage")

Tom. "Myspace.com." E-mail to Myspace/tom messaging .05 may 08.

goggle.com. goggle hompage. 20 May 2008.
yahoo.com. yahoo. 21 May 2008 .

Research on my topic

Trough my journey of finding my research there are a lot of prisoners who are wrongfully accused from present time til' this day. An example of these false accusations happened here in the city of Buffalo with Anthony Capozzi with the bike path rapist case and Lynn Dejac with the killing of her young daughter. In the case of Anthony Capozzi he was incarcerated for 22 years after being accused that he was the person of the doings of rapes on bike paths in Buffalo parks. Recently in 2007 Anthony Capozzi was released from prison after police found evidence that the real criminal was Altemio Sanchez. In the case of Lynn Dejac she incarcerated for 14 years after being accused for the murder of her 13 year old daughter in 1993. Recently this year she was proven innocent after police found out that Dejac's daughter had died from an over dose. So basically by doing this research through google and finding sources through wikipedia, and channel 2 news, I tend to know a lot more about this topic and how important it is to always find out what is happening before anyone jumps to conclutions.

Brown, Scott. "Lynn DeJac talks to 2 on yourr side." WGRZ News. 26 Nov 2007. Channel 2 News. 21 Apr 2008 .

Channel 2, News. "Antohny Capozzi's Life." WGRZ news . 31 Mar 2007. Channel 2 News. 21 Apr 2008 .

Monday, April 21, 2008

Starting my journey (SCHIZOPHRENIA)

People with the disease Schizophrenia have very hard times.Research shows that schizophrenics sometimes don't really feel like it.But the people around them suit and try to help them out.Schizophrenics think they don't need help.They just do everything there way.I know this because the schizophrenics I know don't like change.People with the disease may not make sense when they talk, may sit for hours without moving or talking much.May seem perfectly fine until they talk about what they are really thinking.
What are the symptoms?Positive symptoms are unusual thoughts or perceptions including hallucinations,delusions thoughts disorder, and disorders of movement.Negative symptoms presents a loss or a decrease in the ability to initiate plans,speak,express emotions or find pleasure in everyday life.Cognitive symptoms are problems with attentions,certain types of memory and the executive functions that allow us to plan and organize.Cognitive deficits can also be difficult to recognize as part of the disorder but are the most disabling in te
"What is Schizophrenia?." 21MAR2008 1,2,3. 21APR2008 .rms pleading a normal life

Friday, April 18, 2008

wrongfully accused introduction

A lot of mistakes can be made by everyone, even by the law. But if it's made by the law it becomes a very big problem. For example there are a lot of people who are accused for crimes that they are not even part of. This seems like a good topic to look up into to find lots of information. That is why I picked this topic to do research on. I am interest in this topic because through watching the news and police shows and seeing how there are innocent people arrested for things they did not do and serving jail time for another person seems like something needs to be done. I never really knew anything about this topic before I started watching the news. The most I've known about this before watching the news and looking up research is that police detectives had to look into the crime that the prisoner did and match up any obvious evidence that explains that the certain person did not commit the particular crime. So basically I tend to know a lot more about this topic. These are the types of things that need to be taken care of earlier in an arrest so these innocent people do not have to spend half of their lives in a place they do not deserve to be.

Citation practice

shmueli, sandra. "flash mob craze spreads." cnn. 08 aug 2003. 18 Apr 2008

Escaping Abuse

I wonder why when a person is being abused they just wont get away from the abuser. As I read more about the topic I find that there are many reasons why it is so hard to just leave. The person may be afraid to leave because the abuser may have threaten to harm them, there relatives or even there kids, pets, or property. The abuser may threaten to commit suicide if the person talks about leaving them. Many people find that the abuse continues or gets worse after they leave. Women in abusive marriages tend to stay in the abusive relationship because she has commited to the relationship and blieve marriage is forever. She hopes her partner will change. Most women who are abused have a lack of confidence . The person who is abusive will have deliberately tried to break down their partner's confidence, and make her feel like she is stupid, hopeless, and responsible for the abuse. She may feel powerless and unable to make decisions.

I also learnedtat many people worry that they will be 'interfering' if they get involved, or that it is a 'private matter'. But it is equally worrying if someone is being abused and you say nothing. Your support can make a difference. You might risk some embarrassment if you approach her and she rejects your support or tells you your suspicions are wrong. But if you approach her sensitively, without being critical, most people will appreciate an expression of concern for their well-being, even if they are not ready to talk about their situation. It is unlikely you will make things 'worse' by expressing concern." Your Support Can Make A Difference .

Basically the abuser makes the person feel like they are nothing and breaks them down so bad that he person being abused hasno strenght to leave.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

INTRO...... Wonderful World of Technology

After being offered a chance to be a exchange student in japan i wondered what it would have been like to be far away from friends and family for 2 weeks across the world. How am i going to communicate with them in a different country cause i can get home sick very easily. I thought of the many ways i communicate with the people that live in my own home town, and wondered would it be possible to communiate the same out of the country. One day recently i arrived to school and my teacher told us to ask ourselves a question that we wanted a answer to. That question then popped up in my head. What type of ways could I have stayed in contact with frinds and family in japan.

The computer immediately came to mind.

On The Journey Of Doing Research...

I began, seaching by going to Google and typing in my Essential Question " How would you go about starting your own private practice?" There were a lot of options to choose from so I started to go to the websites and gather information. I've learned in order to get your own private practice you have to have experience in supervising, take classes, and be supervised by an mental health supervisor for numerous hours at a time ( "Linsley" ). You can start your own private practice once you receive your Master's but only if you live in New York or Minnesota
( "Linsley" ), In some states it is required and recommended that you have at least two years of supervised post-marked experienced for new private clinicians ( "Young"). Even though I don't want to hear it more practitioners recommend more experience ( " Linsley" ). In order for me to become Certified, I would need an R number, and six years of psychotherapy experience.

The annual income for an therapist is $90,000+/ year but only if I charge $75 per session and be open for 30 hours per week. I can make a pretty good earning without killing myself, I also would get paid from the insurance company on an average of about $40 and from my reimbursement between $65 and $85 per session. At the same time it's not all about money to me, yeah I want to do good financially but I also want to make a difference in peoples life's and help them out whenever they need. Especially the youth, the youth now days don't really have a positive role model in their life and one that can give them the proper guidance. I fill the need to be in someones life since I had numerous of people who influenced me and was the there for me when I needed it.

Linsley, Jeann. "The Business of Starting a Private Practice." The New Social Worker Vol. 3, No. 2Fall 1996, 18 04 2008 .
"global warming." From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia april 17 208 .

citation #2

"global warming." From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 17 04 2008 <17>.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Shmueli, Sandra . "'Flash mob' craze spreads." LONDON, England (CNN) -- The craze for "flash mobs" -- where jokers gather en masse at a moment's notice, perform an inane activity and then disperse quickly -- is spreading across Europe. 08 08 2003 april 15 2008 .

Son Of Citation

This is my MLA citation practice. I am copying and pasting this in order to have something to plop citations under.

Shmueli, Sandra. "'Flash mob' craze spreads." Friday, August 8, 2003 Posted: 8:45 PM EDT (0045 GMT) 08 08 2003 14 042008 .

"Global Warming." From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 17 04 2008 .

citation #1

shamueli, sandra. "'flash mob' caze spreads." 08 8 2003 04 15 2008 . (shamueli )http://www.cnn.com/2003/TECH/internet/08/04/flash.mob/

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Finding Out My Career...Before The Search

For the past year I've been figuring out what I wanted to do for my career. I would ask people what was their career and what exactly did they do. One day my aunt was talking to me about what she do and I became quite interested. My youngest aunt is a social worker working with the youth at a detention center. She explained to me what she do and what you can do with certain degree's such as your Master's and if you become licensed. As I listened to her I started to think if I wanted to go to college and take up this exciting major. Well, a few months ago I've decided for sure that I wanted to go to college to get my Master's Degree in Social Work and become a licensed social worker as well.

So far I know if you receive your Master's Degree in Social Work you can work for outstanding agencies with excellent benefits. I also know you can become a supervisor depending on how long you work with the Master's. When you become licensed you can work as an therapist which is a person who open's up their own private practice and hire their own clients or have clients sent to them.

My question is, How would you go about starting your own private practice? Is there a good or certain location to open it up at? How would you go about hiring employees? What exactly do you do to get your own clients? Is it better to go into a private practice by yourself or with a partner? and After going to Grad School to get your Master's Degree do you automatically get your licensed?


"When Began To Think"

While eating dinner at the dining room table my sister's grandfather started to acting very strangely. I asked my stepfather what was wrong with his father.He said that his father was a schizophrenic. So I stopped and paused for a minute and started to wonder what the heck is a schizophrenic.He said it a disease.I thought can doctors find a cure for it. I wondered if it was hereditary. I guessed yeah because in my sisters family four people have it.Two are in a psychiatric hospital for killing and the other to are just plain crazy.
This disease schizophrenia effects a lot of humans,to many.What drew me to this subject is that doctors can't find a cure.People with disease can change in a split moment.I heard of people killing them selves over this disease as I looked it up on the Internet.I had a personal encounter with my sister's grandfather.He put a baby kitten in a microwave and turned it on high and killed it.I was young, but very aware that it was wrong.I would like to know in the brain triggers symptoms of schizophrenia.How bad it effects someone?

Escape the pain of abuse

I notice my friend always wears long sleeve shirts even in the summer time. I always wondered why until one day she rolled her sleeves up she had bruises all over her arms. She quickly rolled her sleeves down. When I asked her was she Ok she said it was nothing. I just left it alone until I started to see marks on her face.When i asked her what was going on she said her stepdad abused her.I tried to take her to get help but she refuses.The biggest thought in my mind is why wouldnt she want to get help. I wondered why would he harm her like this? Who would do something like this to a person? I dont know much about abuse but I do know that no one deserves to be abused.

The reason I would want to help her escape abuse not only because she is my friend but because I dont want the pain to drive her to do something like suicide. I wonder how can I help a friend escape from the pain?

Friday, March 7, 2008

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Does my book seem similar to a movie

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by. Louis Stevenson
Chapter 9 of 10

From the look of this book I feel that I have not read anything as similar or just alike from what I have read so far. Basically at this point of the story a lot of secrets are being brought out and leaked into the minds of people who are trying to find out about a couple of murders that went on earlier in the story. If you were curious about something, wouldn't you look into it?
So far from reading the book I witnessed that it reminds me of a certain movie that i have seen in the past but is not pretty similar. It basically has sort of similar settings but not just alike. one part of the story shows that certain people are trying to figure out who may be the serial killer of murders of people that they were close to. This is the reason why this particular book is a reminder of this movie and also seems alike. The way the story and the movie are different are that they are taken in different parts of the world. Considering to the book it seems that there are a lot more details into what is going on and in the movie it just seems that it just get straight to the point.

As a caring and nice person that I am, I would try my hardest to find and catch the person that has done something to someone I know, would you do the same?

karen and tim's break up

The Third Eye by Lois Duncan pages 156-200.
Karen was very shy,kind,and considerate person and Tim was a conceited,irresponsible.They didn't see eye to eye.So they decided to let each other go. Karen continued to work at the daycare were she worked last summer.While she started to work at the daycare,she continued to think about Tim.Suddenly she realize stressing herself over Tim wasn't worth it.One day Karen was walking to work and a strange lady pulled over and asked her for directions,and kidnapped her.

how would you feel if you got kidnapped?

Monday, February 25, 2008

Conflict /Plans pages 73-85

The conflict with Jonathan is he is just starting to realize that vampires are just like regular human creatures during the day just less attractive. By the night they are powerful. Dracula is powerful enough to kill Jonathan. After Jonathan escapes from Dracula he returned home to London he realizes that Dracula has made his way to England. Dracula must be coming for him jonathan can run but he cant hide. Dracula traveled by boat he even brought his coffin with him , nourishing himself on the blood of the boats crew members. I guess he has to get his strenght. Jonathan tells a professor by the name of Van Helsing he is an expert in vampires, listens to Jonathans frightening story and takes on a mission to destroy Dracula. I dont know how this professor thinks he is going to destroy this powerful vampire. What would be one way to defeat Count Dracula.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Let's pick it up girls...

aside from Brittany, you need to post more regularly.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Trying To Start A New Beginning

The Third Eye By Lois Duncan

Now that Karen graduated she decided to do something that will take her mind off of her ex-boyfriend Tim, for the past 3 years she's been working at a day care working with new-borns. One day it was poring down raining and Karen had to walk to work because her mother was to tired to get up and drive her to work. Karen instantly realized it was a six-block hike. So she got her belongings and started to troop. About a block or two down a lady pulls over and ask Karen for the directions to the same Day Care Karen was employed at. Karen had started to direct her but the lady told Karen to get in the car that way Karen don't have to walk in the rain and also direct towards the right direction. The strange unknown lady was telling Karen that she was going for an interview at her job and wanted to know more about it. So Karen started telling her about the Day Care and telling her who works with the different age groups. The lady had called Karen by her name and Karen realized she never told the lady her name so Karen started to be suspicious.Suddenly the lady had told Karen she needed to go back to her apartment because she had forgot her resume'. Karen asked her how did she know her name and the lady responded she had called the Day Care and asked who worked with the infants.Karen asked the lady for her name and she said "Betty Smith".Suddenly Karen was becoming frighten right when they pulled up at Betty's apartment.Betty and another man had forced Karen out of the car and told her "if you don't behave your going to loose your pretty little teeth" right there Karen came to the conclusion that she was being kidnapped and Betty and her male friend smiled and said "your right".

"Have You Ever Been Tricked And Kidnapped?"

Friday, February 8, 2008

Count Draculas victim Jonathan Harker pages 40-73

Jonathan had traveled from London to Transylvania. Now sitting in the library of his host dracula (says his diary). It was abou an hour after sunset and in the back of his mind he knows that soon the tall skinny vampire will appear to greet him. Jonathan is still tense when the doorknob turns. When Dracula enters he has a smuerk on his face. Jonathan decribed his apperance as having a heavy moustache , cruel looking , with sharp teeth that came over his lips. Jonathan thinks he is there to do bussiness with dracula but by the look on draculas face he has other plans. How would you react if you were in Jonathans position?

Breaking Up With Someone You Truly Care About.

The Third Eye by Lois Duncan is still quite fascinating, reading a total of 30 pages.Karen have kind of gotten away from playing the psychic roll. Going to her senior prom with her boyfriend was fun for her but at the same time it was kind of depressing because they had broken up moments after their prom night. A few days later they both were graduating from high school, as she walked across the stage she seen Tim and kind of got upset. But then she seen her parents smiling and waving at her and she felt better, because she had someone there that loved and cared about her. Karen's mother wanted her to go out with Tim but she didn't know they had broken up.Her mother kept insisting that she go out and Karen kept turning down the offer. Karen's mother wondered why Karen didn't want to go out with Tim so Karen finally came out and told both her mother and father that they were not dating anymore.When the news was broken to her mother she felt bad because she kept pressuring Karen to go out. Moments later her mother told her to take the car and go out with some of her friends but Karen still didn't budged. Karen finally went in her room and started thinking about Tim and how he went out with his friends and no one invited her.In a way I kind of felt bad for Karen because one of the most important days of her life was hard for her because the boy that she liked was no longer with her.

"How would you feel if the one you cared about the most wasn't with you?"


In the middle of the book "The Third Eye"pgs#(90-130)

The main character Karen begins to discover that she has a power.But it isnt really sure how she got it.Karen can see were children has disappeared to. Now detetives want karen to help them find missing children.Karen isnt sure she want to.It kind of scares her.I think futher in the the book Karen will be come part of the police department.The main character became very motivated.She finally wanted to help the police find young children and get them home to there families safe and sound.Karen looks to help now.She feels that she is helping the community and saving children.She has a golden eye.Her mother calls it Karen's third eye.Karen's boyfriend also motivates her to be strong when she discovers dead children.Do you think her boyfriend will continue to motivate her through her process?

My 1st post on the gener horror

Dracula by Bram Stoker pages 1-40. The book draclais basically about an evil man who has been dead four sometime now but he still walks the earth. He is a vampire that is smart and cruel. He has to stay out of the light so he usually never comes out until night time to look for his victimes. Dracula lives in a dark castle i guess its suppose to be a mysterious place, were terror is constant. It is said that anyone who enters rarely survives .My first impression of this book is not really a good one I have to force myself to read it. Its not really that scary so i dont see why the book is set as the gener horror.

2nd blog dr.jekyll and mr.hyde ps. 38-50

One of Dr. Jekyll's butlers seems to find out what is going on with him inside of his laboratory that make him find out that Dr. Jekyll is the evil Mr. Hyde with the very distinctive voice of a killer. In my opinion if i were to find out that my master was the killer of many different people i would call the police in a hurry. Even though there is a lawyer by my side my advice is to call the police as soon as possible. During this time Dr. Jekyll orders the butler and the lawyer Mr. Utterson to leave him alone and close the door shut. Those will be the exact directions i would take just to keep myself safe if I know that person is physically changing and deforming right before my eyes.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Being Told You'll Do Something Without Your Approval.

I'm still continuing to read the book called The Third Eye By, Lois Duncan. For the past two days I've managed to read a total of 23pages. Often Karen receives a vibe that can tell you where missing children are. One of the police officers is aware of her gift, because she helped him find a missing boy that she was babysitting one day. The officer was astonished how Karen can pick up a vibe just by seeing the young boys belongings and visualizing his face. Just a few days later a young girl was missing, and the same officer assisted the mother whom lost her daughter. The officer told the mother how he knew a girl who can sense where missing children are and volunteered her to help out with this case. At the same time Karen didn't know what the officer had done until hours later. He went to Karen's house and told her what had happen and how he had volunteered her to help out. Karen was very upset because she thought he had no right to do that. Even though she didn't want to Karen helped the worrying mother but not for the officer but for the mother. Towards the end Karen was upset because she couldn't pick up a vibe of where the young girl might be and it kind of bothered her because she wasn't able to help.

"Have You Ever Been Volunteered To Do Something?"

Monday, January 28, 2008

1st genre post

1st genre post
I am reading a book called The Third Eye written by Lois Duncan which is Horror book.I read four chapters and I'm on page forty.So far I like the book it didn't get scary but it is mysterious.The main character Karen a babysitter that could see where kidnapped kids are.For example Karen was babysitting a young boy named Bobby and he disappeared.She saw were he was.Bobby was locked in a truck.I think when I get further in the book it will get more interesting.The book isn't exciting me to much, thats why I think I didnt read any further.I think Karen has a strong personality and she will sooner or later make the story exciting.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

My first Response To My Genre Story......

The book that I am reading is a book called The Third Eye by Lois Duncan. The genre of my book is horror. So far I've read up to the sixth chapter and a total of 48 pages. My first impression of The Third Eye is interesting, this book go into good detail explaining everything that happen to the point where you can actually visualize the setting and what's taking place.In the story the main character is really getting a vibe about certain things that she really shouldn't be getting.
So far I've noticed many strange things that's been taking place,and to be honest I find quite interesting to a certain extent.But at the same time it's weird for example, people are disappearing quite often and the main character is the only person so far that can sense where their at.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Group Response on genre

I believe my group chose this genre because it is a very interesting genre to read about. I like the horror genre because it is full of mysteries and surprises to the reader. I believe my other group members have the same aspect about this form of genre too.

Other people read books in this genre to get a strong sense of excitement and a good chill in their bodies when they read a book in this genre. The types of things i believe this genre provides humanity is an adrenalin rush and makes their hearts beat. It also provides the bravery in the readers mind and body to read any book in this genre of horror.

group response

I think people like to read horror because thy like the thrill it gives them.Our genre horror could be alot of things like mystery, thrill,and excitement all at once.I prefer horror over anything.I love to be a little scaried but not to much that make me dream about it.Our group picked horror because we all agreed to read frighting books.Horror provides humanity by suspense.

Group Responds On Horror

My group chose to study horror because its a thrill you never know whats going to happen.I believe people want to read this genre because it has your mind wondering what will happen next whose the bad guy/girl. I think this genre provides entertainment to humanity I also think it makes the mind think by trying to make the mind think what will happen next or who will be the next one hurt.

Thursday, January 17, 2008

My Group Blog Response

My group members choose to do the genre horror because we all like to read scary stories and stories that kind of have a mystery setting to it. With the genre horror you can expect the unexpected, sometimes when I watch movies or read stories that can surprise me. I believe people read books in the horror genre because they like to read stories with a little bit of suspense to it. They also like to read horror because it's often calm and relaxing but something weird or scary jumps out.

Monday, January 7, 2008

Independent Reading Project Blog Assessment

Shakira - 5/5 

Shakira, I really like that last response.  Great investigation of those two characters.  I'm glad the book became more interesting.

Tyshaunna - 5/5 Responses
You'd like to give Ursula a makeover...like on "What Not to Wear"?  Interesting response and good insight into character.  I also love the exploration of Ursula's evolution.  Nice job.

Reniya - 5/5 Responses
Nice work this quarter.  Try to elaborate a bit on your posts, but they begin to show good insight.  

Brittany - 5/5 Responses
Sold sounds like a great book.  Can't wait to read it.  I may have to move it up in my queue.  Regarding that last response, and our comments, I see your point.  I'm going to separate that question into multiple questions.  Those questions were designed so that you could take one part and run with it.