Thursday, April 24, 2008

Research on my topic

Trough my journey of finding my research there are a lot of prisoners who are wrongfully accused from present time til' this day. An example of these false accusations happened here in the city of Buffalo with Anthony Capozzi with the bike path rapist case and Lynn Dejac with the killing of her young daughter. In the case of Anthony Capozzi he was incarcerated for 22 years after being accused that he was the person of the doings of rapes on bike paths in Buffalo parks. Recently in 2007 Anthony Capozzi was released from prison after police found evidence that the real criminal was Altemio Sanchez. In the case of Lynn Dejac she incarcerated for 14 years after being accused for the murder of her 13 year old daughter in 1993. Recently this year she was proven innocent after police found out that Dejac's daughter had died from an over dose. So basically by doing this research through google and finding sources through wikipedia, and channel 2 news, I tend to know a lot more about this topic and how important it is to always find out what is happening before anyone jumps to conclutions.

Brown, Scott. "Lynn DeJac talks to 2 on yourr side." WGRZ News. 26 Nov 2007. Channel 2 News. 21 Apr 2008 .

Channel 2, News. "Antohny Capozzi's Life." WGRZ news . 31 Mar 2007. Channel 2 News. 21 Apr 2008 .


Heather Jacobs said...

Your topic is very interesting. It talks about how people are wrongfully accused of comitting crimes they know they didn't commit but just happen to be or look like the person. I look forward to your next blog searches.

Britt M said...

This topic is so true there are so many people today who have or are in prison and their innocent. The bad thing about it when people find out that they are innocent they dont even admit that they were wrong and apologize. Good job!!