Sunday, April 27, 2008

While on my Search...for Schizophrenia

While sitting at my computer I'm thinking about the disease Schizophrenia, how I fill about it.Poor medication is among the leading causes for a relapse and re hospitalize for people with schizophrenia.
*80% of patience relapse in 1 year off medication,90% in 2years.
*20% relapse if they stay on medications
Schizophrenics have to take vitamins.While searching the web I found a website called Researchers have found a positive correlations between super oxide generation and the negative symptom of schizophrenia.
There are many different potential outcomes of schizophrenia.Most people with Schizophrenia find that their symptoms overtime.However,other experience functional disability and are at risk for repeated acute episodes particularly during the early stages of the illness.
Schizophrenia symptoms, hearing voices, believing someone or something is controlling your thoughts.I learned earlier at the beginning of my search that approximately 1% of the population worldwide.Schizophrenia typically is in the 20s or early 30s.There is no cure for Schizophrenia yet!!

"revolutionhealth." 07092008 2. 27042008
"schizophrenia." schizophrenia 11042005 1,2,3. 27042008 .

1 comment:

Britt M said...

Ty you did a great job on this post, as far as going into great detail about schizophrenia and stating the percentages of people who have schizophrenia today.