Friday, April 18, 2008

Escaping Abuse

I wonder why when a person is being abused they just wont get away from the abuser. As I read more about the topic I find that there are many reasons why it is so hard to just leave. The person may be afraid to leave because the abuser may have threaten to harm them, there relatives or even there kids, pets, or property. The abuser may threaten to commit suicide if the person talks about leaving them. Many people find that the abuse continues or gets worse after they leave. Women in abusive marriages tend to stay in the abusive relationship because she has commited to the relationship and blieve marriage is forever. She hopes her partner will change. Most women who are abused have a lack of confidence . The person who is abusive will have deliberately tried to break down their partner's confidence, and make her feel like she is stupid, hopeless, and responsible for the abuse. She may feel powerless and unable to make decisions.

I also learnedtat many people worry that they will be 'interfering' if they get involved, or that it is a 'private matter'. But it is equally worrying if someone is being abused and you say nothing. Your support can make a difference. You might risk some embarrassment if you approach her and she rejects your support or tells you your suspicions are wrong. But if you approach her sensitively, without being critical, most people will appreciate an expression of concern for their well-being, even if they are not ready to talk about their situation. It is unlikely you will make things 'worse' by expressing concern." Your Support Can Make A Difference .

Basically the abuser makes the person feel like they are nothing and breaks them down so bad that he person being abused hasno strenght to leave.

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