Monday, May 12, 2008

Different Types Of Abuse

The more that I research the more info I find that is very interesting. I found that there is more than one type of abuse. Physical abuse which is any act of violence on the victim and can include slapping, kicking, shoving, choking, pinching, forced feeding, pulling hair, punching, throwing thing, burning, beating, use of weapons, physical restraint, and reckless driving. Another form of abuse would be sexual abuse which involves excessive jealuosy, calling you sexual derogatory names, forcing unwanted sex acts, forcing you in to prostitution. One kind of abuse that goes unseen is emotional abuse. Even the victim does not recognize that she is being abused. Emotional abuse damages your self-esteem.It is cruel and damages your soul.Physical or sexual abuse is accompanied and also follows emotional abuse. Another abuse wuld be verbal abuse which includes yelling or shouting, making threats, insulting you or our family, being sarcastic or mocking about or criticising your intrest, opinions, or beliefs, humiliating you in private or around company. The final type of abuse is financial abuse . Financial abse can take many forms, from denying you all access to funds, to make you soely responsible for all finances while handling money irresponsibly himself. Money bcomes a tool by which the abuser can furthe control he victim, ensuring either her financial dependence on him, or shifting responsibility of keeping a roof over the families head onto victim while simultaneouslydenying your ability to do or obstructing you. Finacial abuse can also prevent you from getting a job, denying you sufficient housekeeping, having to accout for every penny spent, putting bills in your name.(Types Of Abuse Hidden Hurts)

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