Sunday, May 11, 2008

Steps For Getting Clients For A Private Practice

Well once again I've been looking for research on this project, but unfortunately I haven't had as much success on the topic I'm covering today. In this blog I'm writing about the steps I would have to take inorder to get clients for my private practice. My source for this topic was my aunt, an Social Worker working for the East Ferry Dentention Center. Just the other day I decided to call her and ask her somethings about what steps I can take in order to get my own clients.

The first step of getting clients is networking, which means doing advertisment, I can also start by handing out business cards.But before I do that I would have to do an internship and work under an certified therapist for at least three years. Working for this therapist I would gain more knowledge and become known in the social work area. The therapist can recommend people to my business, and also I can introduce myself to big businesses letting them know my experience and they can also send me clients and refer people to me.

Recommendations from other clinicans are very important and it says a lot. Their letting people know about my judgement, and character, the recommendations also says how much of an hard worker I am.

Fryer, Denise "Telephone Interview" 09 MAY 2008

1 comment:

Ty'Shaunna said...

Im not really a business person but you seem like you are really into it .I wish you good luck!