Monday, April 21, 2008

Starting my journey (SCHIZOPHRENIA)

People with the disease Schizophrenia have very hard times.Research shows that schizophrenics sometimes don't really feel like it.But the people around them suit and try to help them out.Schizophrenics think they don't need help.They just do everything there way.I know this because the schizophrenics I know don't like change.People with the disease may not make sense when they talk, may sit for hours without moving or talking much.May seem perfectly fine until they talk about what they are really thinking.
What are the symptoms?Positive symptoms are unusual thoughts or perceptions including hallucinations,delusions thoughts disorder, and disorders of movement.Negative symptoms presents a loss or a decrease in the ability to initiate plans,speak,express emotions or find pleasure in everyday life.Cognitive symptoms are problems with attentions,certain types of memory and the executive functions that allow us to plan and organize.Cognitive deficits can also be difficult to recognize as part of the disorder but are the most disabling in te
"What is Schizophrenia?." 21MAR2008 1,2,3. 21APR2008 .rms pleading a normal life

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