Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Looking At Schizphrenics in a Different View

While sitting in English class on the computer patiently waiting for the bell to ring,I'm searching the web for info about Schizophrenics and they way they live there lives in a normal day.I come across a website called It has blogs from real schizophrenics and they tell how there lives are in the year 2008.They tell how hard it is to live with the disease.It has a lot of great stories, that expand my knowledge about schizophrenia.
What happens to to people who have schizophrenia? The course of schizophrenia varies from person to person ,although it is usually a long illness,one out of four people are diagnosed with schizophrenia eventually have a full recovery.Half recover at least partly, and one out of four requires long terms care.During stressful times of life,symptoms may become more of a problem.These periods of increase symptoms,called relapses,may been enough to hospitalized if necessary.

"Personal Blogs on Coping With Schizophrenia." 13 12 2008 14 05 2008

Monday, April 28, 2008

Is Partnership The Key?

For the past two years I've noticed many people go into business with a partner, some with family members, long time friends, and short time friends. By me wanting to start my own private practice I've been thinking if I should go into business by myself or with a family member or friend that share the same qualities and interest as me. Some people recommend a partnership and some don't recommend a partnership, and hearing this make me want to know answers why people feel that way. For the past hour I have been searching for answers on the internet.

There are both advantages and disadvantages in starting a business with a partner. For those who may not be aware of what a partnership is it is when two or more people are responsible for a business. In a partnership you are taxed the same which means you have to claim business on your tax return. However many problems can come up as well. Sometimes your partner may have different goals for the business then you, they might also have unequal commitment as far as finances. In other wards they might want to spend the money in an different or inappropriate manner than you.

Besides the problems in a partnership there are also some good out of it. I've learned partnerships can be less paperwork and less expensive, each partner can take on a role in the business it make the work a little bit easier. For example, one can handle the finances and other can handle the management and vise versa. Who ever feels or knows their good at one or two task can take that role, partners can also learn from one another's strengths and weaknesses and can go from there. Once you developed the knowledge of one another's strengths and weaknesses both work and business can be taken care of much more quicker.

Harroch, Richard. "Advantages and Disadvantages of General Partnerships." Buyer's Guides 16 11 2006 30 04 2008 .

"Partnership: Advantages and Disadvantages." Wednesday, April 30, 2008 30 04 2008 .

Why Men Abuse Women

As I do more research I began to wonder why men beat women. I found that sometimes it could be a simple matter. Perhaps she failed to empty the lint from the filter in the clothes dryer or maybe dinner wasn't just right or may she decided to go shopping with her friends without telling her spouse beforehand. Maybe nothing happened at all. He just beat her. (Witter, Jim)

Sadly 1 in 11 high school students report being physically hurt by a date. Abuse can sometimes be mistaken for intense feelings or caring or concern. Signs that friends are being abused are unexplained bruises broken bones sprains or marks. Excessive guilt or shame for no apparent reason. Secrecy or withdrawel from friends and family. Avoidance of school or social events with excuses that seem to make no sense (Michelle New, PhD)

new, michelle. "abusive relationships." 00 11 2007 30 04 2008 .

witter, .Jim. "men who beat women believe they are justified."

Sunday, April 27, 2008

While on my Search...for Schizophrenia

While sitting at my computer I'm thinking about the disease Schizophrenia, how I fill about it.Poor medication is among the leading causes for a relapse and re hospitalize for people with schizophrenia.
*80% of patience relapse in 1 year off medication,90% in 2years.
*20% relapse if they stay on medications
Schizophrenics have to take vitamins.While searching the web I found a website called Researchers have found a positive correlations between super oxide generation and the negative symptom of schizophrenia.
There are many different potential outcomes of schizophrenia.Most people with Schizophrenia find that their symptoms overtime.However,other experience functional disability and are at risk for repeated acute episodes particularly during the early stages of the illness.
Schizophrenia symptoms, hearing voices, believing someone or something is controlling your thoughts.I learned earlier at the beginning of my search that approximately 1% of the population worldwide.Schizophrenia typically is in the 20s or early 30s.There is no cure for Schizophrenia yet!!

"revolutionhealth." 07092008 2. 27042008
"schizophrenia." schizophrenia 11042005 1,2,3. 27042008 .

Friday, April 25, 2008

Wondering How Can I Hire Employees..

Just the other week I was sitting down and I started to think about when I open up my practice in social work what should I do about hiring employees. What exactly would be my first step, so I decided to get back on the internet and started searching. First went to and unfortunately I had no luck, then I thought to myself that I should go to Google and type in "my first step in hiring employees for my private practice. With Google I had a great deal of luck!

Searching for my answer I found quite a bit of internet sources such as,and federalgovernmentjobs.htm. I've learned I can put up jobs openings on the internet, in the newspapers and signs such as Billboards. Unfortunately it's not as easy as it sound. First I would have to gain knowledge about the law as far as consulting with a lawyer to let me know what I can do legally and what I can't do legally. I would always have to write about how much they make an hour and what their annual salary should be, but before hiring any employees I would have to get an Employment Idenification Number EIN, this will be used to report taxes and important documents to the IRS. There are many forms that I have to get inorder to hire anybody for example, an form called the I-9 will will let me know that candidate can work in the United States legally.

Also go to my states Reporting Program within 20days to inform them that I have hired someone new. All employees are intitled to have compensation which is if you where to get hurt and had to take time off of work to recover they will still get paid even though they haven't been working. I've realized there are many to steps to start your own business and hiring employees. Different states have different rules and regulations for both big and small businesses

"Ten Steps to Hiring Your First Employee." A Guide for New Employers 04/15/2008 26 04 2008

Field, Ann. "5 steps to hiring right." The Ultimate Small-Business Resource Guide June 1 2007: 6:09 AM EDT 26 04 2008 .

Thursday, April 24, 2008

The Wonderful World of Technology

While doing the research for this project I first started by going to and typing the word communication into the find box in the middle of the page, nothing happen and i was ecstatic. I then relized that the word communiation wasn't enough information for even a computer to find the answer for. ("Goggle Homepage")

I took a different approach, since myspace is my favorite way to communicate with my friends on the computer, by logging on to my myspace account and start to find out my friends, friends and familys locations, other then western new york or maybe even another side of the world. I found many people through out the United States but never found anybody out side of the US. I finshed my research by going to the creater if myspace, myspace, a guy name Tom and wrote him a message. I ask him "By any chance do myspace website reach outside of the United States." Im currently waiting on a answer.A day later i logged into myspace again and checked my messages. I got a message from Tom saying that myspace is a chating site that only goes to any country anywhere that has access to a computer ("Myspace Hompage")

After researching the myspace way of communication. I had a few other chating websites to research. I started a new journey on to the yahoo way to communicate ("Yahoo Hompage")

Tom. "" E-mail to Myspace/tom messaging .05 may 08. goggle hompage. 20 May 2008. yahoo. 21 May 2008 .

Research on my topic

Trough my journey of finding my research there are a lot of prisoners who are wrongfully accused from present time til' this day. An example of these false accusations happened here in the city of Buffalo with Anthony Capozzi with the bike path rapist case and Lynn Dejac with the killing of her young daughter. In the case of Anthony Capozzi he was incarcerated for 22 years after being accused that he was the person of the doings of rapes on bike paths in Buffalo parks. Recently in 2007 Anthony Capozzi was released from prison after police found evidence that the real criminal was Altemio Sanchez. In the case of Lynn Dejac she incarcerated for 14 years after being accused for the murder of her 13 year old daughter in 1993. Recently this year she was proven innocent after police found out that Dejac's daughter had died from an over dose. So basically by doing this research through google and finding sources through wikipedia, and channel 2 news, I tend to know a lot more about this topic and how important it is to always find out what is happening before anyone jumps to conclutions.

Brown, Scott. "Lynn DeJac talks to 2 on yourr side." WGRZ News. 26 Nov 2007. Channel 2 News. 21 Apr 2008 .

Channel 2, News. "Antohny Capozzi's Life." WGRZ news . 31 Mar 2007. Channel 2 News. 21 Apr 2008 .

Monday, April 21, 2008

Starting my journey (SCHIZOPHRENIA)

People with the disease Schizophrenia have very hard times.Research shows that schizophrenics sometimes don't really feel like it.But the people around them suit and try to help them out.Schizophrenics think they don't need help.They just do everything there way.I know this because the schizophrenics I know don't like change.People with the disease may not make sense when they talk, may sit for hours without moving or talking much.May seem perfectly fine until they talk about what they are really thinking.
What are the symptoms?Positive symptoms are unusual thoughts or perceptions including hallucinations,delusions thoughts disorder, and disorders of movement.Negative symptoms presents a loss or a decrease in the ability to initiate plans,speak,express emotions or find pleasure in everyday life.Cognitive symptoms are problems with attentions,certain types of memory and the executive functions that allow us to plan and organize.Cognitive deficits can also be difficult to recognize as part of the disorder but are the most disabling in te
"What is Schizophrenia?." 21MAR2008 1,2,3. 21APR2008 .rms pleading a normal life

Friday, April 18, 2008

wrongfully accused introduction

A lot of mistakes can be made by everyone, even by the law. But if it's made by the law it becomes a very big problem. For example there are a lot of people who are accused for crimes that they are not even part of. This seems like a good topic to look up into to find lots of information. That is why I picked this topic to do research on. I am interest in this topic because through watching the news and police shows and seeing how there are innocent people arrested for things they did not do and serving jail time for another person seems like something needs to be done. I never really knew anything about this topic before I started watching the news. The most I've known about this before watching the news and looking up research is that police detectives had to look into the crime that the prisoner did and match up any obvious evidence that explains that the certain person did not commit the particular crime. So basically I tend to know a lot more about this topic. These are the types of things that need to be taken care of earlier in an arrest so these innocent people do not have to spend half of their lives in a place they do not deserve to be.

Citation practice

shmueli, sandra. "flash mob craze spreads." cnn. 08 aug 2003. 18 Apr 2008

Escaping Abuse

I wonder why when a person is being abused they just wont get away from the abuser. As I read more about the topic I find that there are many reasons why it is so hard to just leave. The person may be afraid to leave because the abuser may have threaten to harm them, there relatives or even there kids, pets, or property. The abuser may threaten to commit suicide if the person talks about leaving them. Many people find that the abuse continues or gets worse after they leave. Women in abusive marriages tend to stay in the abusive relationship because she has commited to the relationship and blieve marriage is forever. She hopes her partner will change. Most women who are abused have a lack of confidence . The person who is abusive will have deliberately tried to break down their partner's confidence, and make her feel like she is stupid, hopeless, and responsible for the abuse. She may feel powerless and unable to make decisions.

I also learnedtat many people worry that they will be 'interfering' if they get involved, or that it is a 'private matter'. But it is equally worrying if someone is being abused and you say nothing. Your support can make a difference. You might risk some embarrassment if you approach her and she rejects your support or tells you your suspicions are wrong. But if you approach her sensitively, without being critical, most people will appreciate an expression of concern for their well-being, even if they are not ready to talk about their situation. It is unlikely you will make things 'worse' by expressing concern." Your Support Can Make A Difference .

Basically the abuser makes the person feel like they are nothing and breaks them down so bad that he person being abused hasno strenght to leave.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

INTRO...... Wonderful World of Technology

After being offered a chance to be a exchange student in japan i wondered what it would have been like to be far away from friends and family for 2 weeks across the world. How am i going to communicate with them in a different country cause i can get home sick very easily. I thought of the many ways i communicate with the people that live in my own home town, and wondered would it be possible to communiate the same out of the country. One day recently i arrived to school and my teacher told us to ask ourselves a question that we wanted a answer to. That question then popped up in my head. What type of ways could I have stayed in contact with frinds and family in japan.

The computer immediately came to mind.

On The Journey Of Doing Research...

I began, seaching by going to Google and typing in my Essential Question " How would you go about starting your own private practice?" There were a lot of options to choose from so I started to go to the websites and gather information. I've learned in order to get your own private practice you have to have experience in supervising, take classes, and be supervised by an mental health supervisor for numerous hours at a time ( "Linsley" ). You can start your own private practice once you receive your Master's but only if you live in New York or Minnesota
( "Linsley" ), In some states it is required and recommended that you have at least two years of supervised post-marked experienced for new private clinicians ( "Young"). Even though I don't want to hear it more practitioners recommend more experience ( " Linsley" ). In order for me to become Certified, I would need an R number, and six years of psychotherapy experience.

The annual income for an therapist is $90,000+/ year but only if I charge $75 per session and be open for 30 hours per week. I can make a pretty good earning without killing myself, I also would get paid from the insurance company on an average of about $40 and from my reimbursement between $65 and $85 per session. At the same time it's not all about money to me, yeah I want to do good financially but I also want to make a difference in peoples life's and help them out whenever they need. Especially the youth, the youth now days don't really have a positive role model in their life and one that can give them the proper guidance. I fill the need to be in someones life since I had numerous of people who influenced me and was the there for me when I needed it.

Linsley, Jeann. "The Business of Starting a Private Practice." The New Social Worker Vol. 3, No. 2Fall 1996, 18 04 2008 .
"global warming." From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia april 17 208 .

citation #2

"global warming." From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 17 04 2008 <17>.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Shmueli, Sandra . "'Flash mob' craze spreads." LONDON, England (CNN) -- The craze for "flash mobs" -- where jokers gather en masse at a moment's notice, perform an inane activity and then disperse quickly -- is spreading across Europe. 08 08 2003 april 15 2008 .

Son Of Citation

This is my MLA citation practice. I am copying and pasting this in order to have something to plop citations under.

Shmueli, Sandra. "'Flash mob' craze spreads." Friday, August 8, 2003 Posted: 8:45 PM EDT (0045 GMT) 08 08 2003 14 042008 .

"Global Warming." From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 17 04 2008 .

citation #1

shamueli, sandra. "'flash mob' caze spreads." 08 8 2003 04 15 2008 . (shamueli )

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Finding Out My Career...Before The Search

For the past year I've been figuring out what I wanted to do for my career. I would ask people what was their career and what exactly did they do. One day my aunt was talking to me about what she do and I became quite interested. My youngest aunt is a social worker working with the youth at a detention center. She explained to me what she do and what you can do with certain degree's such as your Master's and if you become licensed. As I listened to her I started to think if I wanted to go to college and take up this exciting major. Well, a few months ago I've decided for sure that I wanted to go to college to get my Master's Degree in Social Work and become a licensed social worker as well.

So far I know if you receive your Master's Degree in Social Work you can work for outstanding agencies with excellent benefits. I also know you can become a supervisor depending on how long you work with the Master's. When you become licensed you can work as an therapist which is a person who open's up their own private practice and hire their own clients or have clients sent to them.

My question is, How would you go about starting your own private practice? Is there a good or certain location to open it up at? How would you go about hiring employees? What exactly do you do to get your own clients? Is it better to go into a private practice by yourself or with a partner? and After going to Grad School to get your Master's Degree do you automatically get your licensed?


"When Began To Think"

While eating dinner at the dining room table my sister's grandfather started to acting very strangely. I asked my stepfather what was wrong with his father.He said that his father was a schizophrenic. So I stopped and paused for a minute and started to wonder what the heck is a schizophrenic.He said it a disease.I thought can doctors find a cure for it. I wondered if it was hereditary. I guessed yeah because in my sisters family four people have it.Two are in a psychiatric hospital for killing and the other to are just plain crazy.
This disease schizophrenia effects a lot of humans,to many.What drew me to this subject is that doctors can't find a cure.People with disease can change in a split moment.I heard of people killing them selves over this disease as I looked it up on the Internet.I had a personal encounter with my sister's grandfather.He put a baby kitten in a microwave and turned it on high and killed it.I was young, but very aware that it was wrong.I would like to know in the brain triggers symptoms of schizophrenia.How bad it effects someone?

Escape the pain of abuse

I notice my friend always wears long sleeve shirts even in the summer time. I always wondered why until one day she rolled her sleeves up she had bruises all over her arms. She quickly rolled her sleeves down. When I asked her was she Ok she said it was nothing. I just left it alone until I started to see marks on her face.When i asked her what was going on she said her stepdad abused her.I tried to take her to get help but she refuses.The biggest thought in my mind is why wouldnt she want to get help. I wondered why would he harm her like this? Who would do something like this to a person? I dont know much about abuse but I do know that no one deserves to be abused.

The reason I would want to help her escape abuse not only because she is my friend but because I dont want the pain to drive her to do something like suicide. I wonder how can I help a friend escape from the pain?