Thursday, December 6, 2007

My First Response On "Sold"

The book is very interesting I would highly recommend it. In the story Lakshmi is very confused and being mistreated. Mumtaz is telling Lakshmi if she don't do what she say she will throw Lakshmi out on the street so she can get beaten by the strange man then walk around naked. Lakshmi is also being mistreated because one of the other girls saw her with her customer so she told Lakshmi see better not see her with her coustomer again or else.
All throughout the story Lakshmi have been confused about various things. She still don't know exactly what's going on, and two different girls keep telling her things that make scared and wonder. One of the girls told her her family will never see the money that she is working for. All the money Lakshmi work for goes to Mumtaz which is the owner of the organization. The other girl is telling Lakshmi in order to leave she must pay off her debt toMumtaz by doing any thing nessary. So the girl teach her tricks to get and keep customers and to also give her extra money (rupees). Learning this Lakshmi have her regular customers that keep coming back and Lakshmi is still seeing one of the other girls customer and not caring what she say,do or think.

1 comment:

Joel said...'re moving forward, nice job. I'd like to see some sort of final, conclusion thought or statement. What do you think about this overall? C'mon, you're a woman in the 21st century, what are your feelings on what this girl is going through?